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This page contains COVID-19 Dashboards which are updated every Monday, as well as information about COVID-19 case notifications. The order requires districts to establish a COVID-19 coordinator. The COVID-19 data dashboard will be updated on Monday, December 21, with school and classroom notifications being sent that day as well. This is just a separator between the navigation and the help and search icons, covid-dashboards-nav-mobile-navbar-header, Healthcare Providers and Local Health Districts, Testing Locations and Community Health Centers, Long-Term Care Facility Visitation Dashboard. Knox County Schools is working hard to protect its approximately 60,000 students and 8,000 employees from COVID-19, but itâs important to recognize that there will likely be positive cases at many of our schools during the semester. MV Schools COVID-19 Dashboard is located below that provides the following information: current positive cases for students, current positive cases for staff, and building location. The form below allows individuals to report anyone who fails to report a COVID-19 positive diagnosis to the district. The COVID-19 dashboard provides a regularly updated status on COVID-19 across Ohio and within the campus community. You may contact Mrs. Pelko with any questions either by phone (440.572.7037) or by email ( Mr. Lance Himes, the Ohio Department of Health's Interim Health Director, signed an order on September 3, 2020 that encourages parents/guardians of students and any school staff member who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to notify their schools no later than twenty-four (24) hours after receiving a confirmed diagnosis. Please remember it is imperative that Summit County residents continue to follow standard precautions to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools is committed to the safety and health of our students and staff. Click here for information and a list of available data.. Students with runny noses and body aches are frequenting the nurse's office. The quarantine period starts on the last day the person was known to have had contact with a person who tests positive. Ashland City School District ⢠1407 Claremont Ave. ⢠P.O. Instructional & COVID19 Dashboard Last Updated: 10/26/2020 10:15 PM COVID-19 information documented on this page is updated daily and should be considered approximate data as it may not match state online resources due to different reporting requirements and ⦠Testing Click above for information about upcoming testing events or other local testing options. On September 3, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued an order requiring K-12 schools to report and notify parents/guardians and local health departments when a student, teacher, staff member or coach tests positive or is diagnosed with COVID-19. COVID Dashboard. Finally, this order requires school districts to share a COVID-19 dashboard on their website to inform the school community of the number of COVID-19 cases and number of students and staff isolated and/or quarantined, if known. Beginning September 8, 2020, parents/guardians must notify their school within 24 hours of receiving a ⦠Box 160 ⢠Ashland, Ohio 44805 419.289.1117 ⢠Fax: 419.289.9534 Office hours: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy. 37. 16,218. number of confirmed, positive COVID-19 cases³. If your child has received a positive COVID-19 test, please call your building's attendance line/secretary to alert them within 24 hours. The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. COVID-19 CASE REPORTING. Mobile users can use this link to access the COVID-19 Case/Quarantine Reports. In the interest of full transparency, and in an effort to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19, we will be publishing our weekly COVID data every Friday as directed by Laura Himes, Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). In addition, the order requires school districts to name a COVID-19 Coordinator to facilitate reporting of case information. File an online COVID-19 Report or call the hotline at (614) 450-3900. The report reflects new and cumulative COVID-19 cases reported to schools by parents/guardians and staff. Mr. Lance Himes, the Ohio Department of Health's Interim Health Director, signed an order on September 3, 2020 that encourages parents/guardians of students and any school staff member who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to notify their schools no later than twenty-four (24) hours after receiving a confirmed diagnosis. The Dashboard will be updated daily. THE COVID-19 DASHBOARD. In Preble County, Eaton schools reported one staff member tested positive. According to the dashboard, schools in northern Warren County listed five student COVID-19 cases and four school ⦠The Childrenâs COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases and hospitalizations among children aged 0-17 in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy. This selection will display county-level COVID-19 activity and cases in every school in the county. The Schools dashboard shows COVID-19 data for schools and their surrounding communities. ¹The staff total includes the approximate number of full- and part-time employees, excluding substitute teachers. COVID-19 Dashboard & Reporting Hotline. The safety of our students and staff will continue to be our highest priority. Schools are required to report cases to their assigned local health department who then report [â¦] Ohio Department of Health call center is ready to answer your questions about COVID-19 Call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634) The Call Center is staffed from 9 ⦠The dashboard, created in consultation with the Ohio Children's Hospital Association, shows new and cumulative COVID-19 cases reported to schools by parents, guardians and staff. COVID-19 Dashboard; COVID-19 DAILY REPORTING. 1,842. number of students². If that is the case, a clinical form or test result must be presented to your child's school. COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVG) - Governor Mike DeWine announced the launch of the COVID-19 reported cases dashboard for Ohio schools Thursday afternoon. The Ohio Department of Health on Thursday released a dashboard for school districts throughout the state to report COVID-19 positive tests among students and staff. The District will then take a pause on notifications, as students and staff are not in our buildings, and resume dashboard updates and building notifications on Monday, January 4, 2021. Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools 400 East Washington Street Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Phone: 440-247-5500 Strongsville City Schools Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Jennifer Pelko, has been named our District's COVID-19 Coordinator. This dashboard will be updated daily. The COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard displays the most recent data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regarding the number of individuals that have started and completed the COVID-19 vaccination series by various demographics and county of residence. Public Health Orders Click above for the latest public health orders from the state of Ohio. COVID-19 Data Dashboard The Ohio Department of Health has recently enacted an Order Requiring Reporting and Notification Regarding COVID-19 cases in K-12 Schools. An order from the Ohio Governor's Office mandates required reporting of students testing positive for COVID. Verification of the positive test may be requested. In addition, the order requires school districts to name a COVID-19 Coordinator to facilitate reporting of case information. Schools are required to report cases to their assigned Local Health Department who then report to the Ohio Department of Health. We began reporting this information on this website page the week of September 11, 2020. There are now two separate COVID-19 Dashboards for the district: a Summary Dashboard and a detailed COVID-19 Breakdown Dashboard. For additional information please contact the Ross Local School District COVID-19 Coordinator, Steve Castator at 513-868-4518 or This is a secure Staff Intranet content page and cannot be viewed by the public. To access the Ashland City Schools COVID-19 Dashboard CLICK HERE. ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy. Mr. Lance Himes, the Ohio Department of Health's Interim Health Director, signed an order on September 3, 2020 that encourages parents/guardians of students and any school staff member who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to notify their schools no later than twenty-four (24) hours after receiving a confirmed diagnosis. Worthington Schools COVID-19 Dashboard. It also includes the availability of quarantine and isolation space, personal protective equipment and cleaning protocols at Ohio State. To exit full screen mode press the 'Esc' key. Hilliard City Schools: approximate number of staff ¹. The Ohio Department of Health has added school level data to its COVID-19 dashboard, but when it launched on Thursday, the Portage County data was inaccurate based on information reported by the public school districts. Quarantined - 14 days is the length of time that anyone who has been in direct contact with someone who tests positive for the COVID-19 virus must quarantine as symptoms can start anywhere from 2 -14 days after exposure. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Elementary (Grades K-5) Instructional Resources, Powerschool Unified Classroom-PASS System, Help for Parents of Children with Special Needs, January 24 2011 In-service Day Evaluation Survey, Strongsville City Schools Staff Resources, State Indicators and Rating for Zellers Elementary School, Strongsville City Schools Health Family Services. Please see footnotes below for more details. Strongsville City Schools Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Jennifer Pelko, has been named our District's COVID-19 Coordinator. Click HERE for the state website for the COVID-19 School Dashboard. Select a specific county using the map on the left. If you are directly impacted by contact with a positive case, you will be notified by Knox Public Health to determine if quarantine is necessary The Children’s COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases and hospitalizations among children aged 0-17 in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Note: A full screen option for this dashboard can be found on the lower right corner. You may contact Mrs. Pelko with any questions either by phone (440.572.7037) or by email (, Green / White Calendar for Blended Learning, SCS Responsible Restart Comprehensive Guide, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). ... Review these CDC travel protocols if you have recently spent time outside of central Ohio. Search for Bellbrook-Sugarcreek in the School / District search box. Our district's COVID-19 Dashboard represents the number of positive COVID-19 cases among district staff and students as officially confirmed and reported to the district by Franklin County Public Health, the Ohio Department of Health or a licensed medical health-care provider.This data will be updated every Friday on this page. Address: 486 East Avenue Tallmadge, OH 44278 Phone: 330-633-3291 Fax: 330-633-5331 416 S. East Street Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-695-1228 513-695-2941 â Environmental Health Fax 513-695-2402 â Healthcare Fax M-F 7:30 am â 4:00 pm The dashboard will be updated daily with regard to active isolations/quarantines in our District and every Friday with regard to state and county data. The numbers to call are: Report a RETAIL Location COVID-19 Ohio State dashboard helping Columbus-area schools spot COVID outbreaks among children A cluster of teachers is absent. State of Ohio started to track cases in schools ⦠A report of COVID-19 should not be interpreted as an indicator that a school district or school isnât following proper proceduresâschool cases can be a reflection of the overall situation in the broader community.
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